モア恵利子。鳥取県出身。現在、アメリカ、ケンタッキー州から移り宮城県気仙沼市に在住。1985年に渡米、1987年にイエス・キリストを自分の救い主と受け入れてから、ピアノを弾きたいという情熱を受け、ピアノを初める。賛美を通して長い間苦しんだ心のうつから癒され、また、 1999年に御ことばによる祈りによって、バセドウの病気とそれに伴う精神症状から解放される。2009年から賛美の外套ミニストリーとして、救い主であり、癒し主であるイエス・キリストの愛を、オリジナル曲と証を通して日本各地や近隣諸国で幅広く紹介している。
I live in Tohoku after moving from Kentucky in 2017. I went to U.S.A. in 1985. In 1987 when I received Jesus as my personal Savior, God gave me a burning desire to play piano. Through praise and worship to Him I recovered from depression which I suffered for a long time. I was also healed from Graves disease and its symptoms of depression through prayer based on the words of the Bible. I started the Garment Of Praise Ministry introducing the love of Jesus Christ through original songs and activities since 2009. Presently, I am ministering throughout Japan and surrounding countries with gospel songs and testimonies having based in Kesennuma, Tohoku Japan.
I live in Tohoku after moving from Kentucky in 2017. I went to U.S.A. in 1985. In 1987 when I received Jesus as my personal Savior, God gave me a burning desire to play piano. Through praise and worship to Him I recovered from depression which I suffered for a long time. I was also healed from Graves disease and its symptoms of depression through prayer based on the words of the Bible. I started the Garment Of Praise Ministry introducing the love of Jesus Christ through original songs and activities since 2009. Presently, I am ministering throughout Japan and surrounding countries with gospel songs and testimonies having based in Kesennuma, Tohoku Japan.
モア恵利子 |
Thank you,
Eriko Moore |
心の病は誰にもわからないもの。苦しんでいる本人にしかわからない。回りの人もどうしていいかわからない。ともすれば一緒に引きずられていってしまう。部屋が汚れていれば、掃除すればいい。壊れていれば、修理すればいい。足りないものがあれば、買えばいい。でも、これがこころなら、、どうすればいいの?? 傷つけられ、傷つけ、壊れているこころ、時がたてば癒される? 子供のころに傷ついた心、大人になれば癒される? 傷をつけた人がこの世からいなくなれば、心がいやされる?? 健康な心でも、この世にあっては、苦難なことが沢山ある。つまずいて、倒れるときもあるかもしれない。心は大切なもの!みんなそれぞれに、一生懸命いきているんだ。
( 賛美の外套ミニストリー創始者、モア恵利子より)
No one understands a wounded heart except the person who has been wounded. People around them don't know how to deal with them. You may be dragged into their situation by trying to help. If the room is dirty you can clean it, if something is broken, repair it, if something is lacking, buy it. But, if it is the human
heart, what can we do? Will it be healed if time goes by? When the heart was wounded as a child, will it be healed when the person grows older? When the person who hurt you dies, will the wounded heart be healed? Even people with healthy heart will face many troubles in this world and fall and be wounded. Everyone is living in the best way they know.
A healthy spiritual heart is vital! I give all glory and honor to my Lord, Jesus Christ!! Love beyond human understanding gives life to the wounded. His Word has power. Praise is a spiritual weapon and nothing is impossible with God! After being healed I can enjoy life. I love to see children laughing. I want each of them to experience a God given, wonderful life at home, school and community. Then, when they become an adult, I want them to build their own wonderful homes and contribute to society. My vision is to create a loving environment and education for them! ( written by Eriko Moore, originator of Garment Of Praise Ministry)
heart, what can we do? Will it be healed if time goes by? When the heart was wounded as a child, will it be healed when the person grows older? When the person who hurt you dies, will the wounded heart be healed? Even people with healthy heart will face many troubles in this world and fall and be wounded. Everyone is living in the best way they know.
A healthy spiritual heart is vital! I give all glory and honor to my Lord, Jesus Christ!! Love beyond human understanding gives life to the wounded. His Word has power. Praise is a spiritual weapon and nothing is impossible with God! After being healed I can enjoy life. I love to see children laughing. I want each of them to experience a God given, wonderful life at home, school and community. Then, when they become an adult, I want them to build their own wonderful homes and contribute to society. My vision is to create a loving environment and education for them! ( written by Eriko Moore, originator of Garment Of Praise Ministry)